September 22, 2024 , 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Join us at 9:00 for our Student Ministry Equipping class (for our Students 7th – 12th grade) in the Student Center. The students are walking through a series titled “Preventing Deconstruction” – they are learning to stay true to the things of Jesus in a world constantly trying to pull them away from the things of Jesus.
Our Adult Equipping class will meet at 9:00 in Room 119 and is studying 1st & 2nd Kings. It’s 365 years of Israels’ history from 970 to 605 BC, starting with King Solomon, and continuing through the division of Israel into two nations, 19 evil Kings in the Northern Kingdom of Israel, culminating in God’s punishment by Assyria; and 8 good Kings and 12 evil Kings in the Southern Kingdom of Judah, culminating in Judah being taken into exile by Babylon.
Childcare is provided for our children through 6th grade in the Nursery at 9:00; nursery as well as Kids Ministry will be available at 10:45.