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Pursuing deep relationships in Christ

Life Groups

We believe that God created us to be in community and saved us to be a part of His family, the Church. We are committed to pursuing deep relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ. That is why we want every believer to be a part of a Life Group that meets regularly outside of our Sunday morning gathering. Our Life Groups have a much larger purpose than simply developing friendships; therefore, we focus our groups on building biblical community, fostering life-on-life discipleship relationships, and engaging their neighborhoods together on mission. If interested in joining a life group, fill out form below.

Adult Equipping Classes

In addition to our Life Groups, we have targeted Adult Bible Studies for both men and women as well as coed Adult Sunday School Classes. In each of these ministries, you will connect with Christians who will encourage you to grow in your faith, and learn more about who Jesus is and what He desires for our lives. Our goal is that every member of Tomball Bible Church would become connected in disciple-making relationships.  These gatherings are key ways to make those connections.  We don’t expect anyone to participate in all of these studies, but getting connected in one will go a long way to make you feel at home here and to help you move forward in your relationship with Jesus.

Men’s Ministry

The Men’s Ministry offers Bible study on Monday nights.  The current study is the book Knowing God by J. I. Packer.   Be sure to check out the event calendar for registrations and times, or contact us directly.

Women’s Ministry

This Spring the women will be studying Elizabeth Woodson’s “From Beginning to Forever”, a 8 week study explaining how all 66 books of the Bible combine to form one unified narrative.  We will see how the rich theological truths found in Genesis through Revelation show us the eternal significance of what God is doing in the world and how He invites us to be a part of it.  There will be time each week for teaching, discussion, and small groups.  You can register to attend the study and for childcare here.  It is a time of fellowship and community. Childcare is available on Tuesday Mornings.

1 by 1 discipleship

“You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” 2 Tim. 2:1-2 ESV

We invite every adult to connect in a “1 by 1” relationship, which is one believer walking with another person towards Christ. Our aim is to have one-on-one, intentional relationships between people who desire to sharpen, help, and motivate one another toward Christlikeness. Other forms of discipleship such as life groups and bible studies have an important part in spiritual growth, and for many at TBC, their 1 by 1 relationship is formed from within these discipleship environments where they are also connected.

If you’re ready to grow in this way and would like to get started or find help connecting with someone, we can help! Take your next step by clicking here.

We Gather Every Week

Adult Equipping Class


9 a.m.

Room 119

Men’s Ministry

Monday Nights 6:30 p.m.

Room 118, Church Lobby


Women’s Ministry

Monday at 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday at 9:30 a.m.

Student Ministry Center

Looking for a Life Group?

Get Connected! We have several Life Groups that meet across town during the week. Please fill out the form and we will contact you shortly with options. We can’t wait to get to know you better and welcome you as part of our family.