Paul, Apollos, Aquila and Priscilla

March 3, 2024

Series: Sent

Book: Acts

Scripture: Acts 18:18-28

The 2nd mission trip finished out, with Paul leaving Silas and Timothy to lead the church in Corinth, and leaving Aquila and Priscilla to start a church in Ephesus, while Paul set sail to return for a respite at his home church in Antioch. Paul didn’t stay long, and soon after began the 3rd mission trip, heading west back to Ephesus, encouraging the churches along the way. Meanwhile, back in Ephesus, Aquila and Priscilla stepped into the life of Apollos, a well-educated, articulate, powerful preacher. They filled a gap in Apollos’ theology and understanding of salvation, which Apollos humbly accepted, and turned him loose to preach the Gospel. These stories are a great reminder to us: ministry requires a team effort; healthy ministry requires healthy ministers; humble preachers will always be willing to listen to correction; and we are all called to step into others’ lives where needed, especially where the accuracy of the Gospel is concerned.