God had promised to send a King, a descendant of King David, to reign on the throne of David forever. Jesus, a descendant of David, fulfilled that promise by coming to earth in human form. Following his ascension, he now reigns as King at the right hand of God the Father; his ministry as King is now focused on salvation (filling the Kingdom with Believers) and sanctification (bringing them to holiness). In the future, King Jesus will return to earth to reign as warrior King, to conquer all enemies, judge the world, and then hand over the Kingship to God the Father. At that time, all God’s people will live forever, in a new heaven and earth, in the presence of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Today, King Jesus rules from heaven, fully God and fully man, glorious and exalted, the sovereign King of the universe, with supreme authority and power over all people, and full control over all events. As grateful subjects of His Kingdom, we should submit to Him, worship Him, and love Him, and invite others to join the Kingdom.