Oftentimes when we think of the word joyful we think of someone who is happy, always smiling, and an “easy hang”. We don’t usually equate it to someone as being content or satisfied, particularly in Jesus and his grace. I think at Christmas we often don’t practice this kind of joy. We more often are running around going from spot to spot, making sure everyone is happy with the stuff we get for them, and end up dreading the season more than being thankful and worshipful during this season. We even will give ourselves over to more “respectable sins,” as Jerry Bridges would put it, and chalk up our actions to the “stress” of the season. Christmas though isn’t about stress, gifts, or family gatherings. Its about God becoming like his creation. In the person of the Son of Man, Jesus, we have someone whose joy was satisfied in doing what the Father had asked of him. Why? Because a man, like us in every way, lived a perfect sinless life and gives us his righteousness and takes on our unrighteousness. Because God loved you so much that he gave himself for you so that you and I can live joyfully satisfied in Christ. That’s the beautiful, amazing, scandalous gift of the Son of Man.