The promise of Jesus in John 16 is that he is our peace. It’s a humbling thought that the God of the universe, who is holy, righteous, and just, would be willing to lay down his life for us. We are broken – not holy, not righteous– and have corrupted justice to meet our own desires. But God, in his rich mercy Paul writes of in Ephesians 2, became man and dwelt among us. Jesus willingly laid down his life for us so that we can have his peace in us. The peace that is in Jesus gives us a new position before God, and a way to be at peace with others. We can now go before the holy, righteous, and just God and call him Father because Jesus is our peace. We can now be at peace with others because Jesus is our peace for one another. We have peace in this world – and all the chaos that comes with it – because Jesus is our peace. “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”