October 8, 2023
We come to a point in Acts where the narrative shifts from being about a group of people whom God used in extraordinary ways to advance the Kingdom of God, to one person whom God used in extraordinary ways to advance the Kingdom of God. Yet in all of the extraordinary stories we see the apostle Paul in they all can trace their beginning to one ordinary moment, Paul praying and fasting with other believers. Paul and Barnabas were just simply being faithful in their ordinary day lives to only be used in extraordinary ways by the Lord. For us we have a natural ebb and flow to our lives, what I call the ordinary days, and yet we never know within those ordinary days that God will use us to do something extraordinary, but for us to be ready for those extraordinary days we have to be faithful in the ordinary days. Praying, reading God’s word, meditating on his word, and pursuing unity among our body for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. For us to experience God using us in extraordinary ways we have to practice being faithful to him in our ordinary days.
Acts 13:1-12