March 5, 2023
We are continuing with the series “The Big Picture”, examining the various eras in God’s unfolding sovereign plan for mankind. Last week, David covered the arrival of the promised Messiah King Jesus, the crescendo (so far!) of God’s plan. The next era is the Church Era, more commonly called the “Church Age”. The Church, of course, refers to all Christians everywhere, across all time. The Church Age started on the day of Pentecost and will continue until the 2nd coming of Jesus; we are in the Church Age now, in 2023. The significance of the Church Age is that God has elected Christians to reflect God’s image to the world, and to prepare for Jesus’ return. In 1 Peter 2:9-12, Peter described Christians (including Christians at TBC in 2023) using phrases found throughout the Old Testament to describe the nation of Israel: chosen people, royal priesthood, holy nation, people for his own possession, and sojourners & exiles. In examining Peter’s descriptions of Christians, we see God’s desire for the Church during the Church Age, namely, to praise and exalt God (Worship), bring Christians to maturity (Discipleship), point non-Christians to Jesus (Evangelism), and grow in holiness (Sanctification).
1 Peter 2:9-12