September 1, 2024 , 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Join us at 9:00 for our Student Ministry Equipping class (for our Students 7th – 12th grade) in the Student Center. The students will be going through Old Testament, Messianic Prophecies through the suymmer.
Our Adult Equipping class will meet at 9:00 in Room 119 and will begin a new summer series called “Hard Sayings of the Bible”. Examples include:
- There is no forgiveness for the unforgiving?!
- What is the Unpardonable sin, and we can we commit it?
- Pluck out your eye, cut off your hand?
- Sell all your possessions and give to the poor, then follow me
- Did Jesus descend into hell?
- Why tell parables to confound people?
- A camel thru the eye of a needle?
Childcare is provided for our children through Pre-K in the Nursery at 9:00; the Nursery as well as Kids Ministry will be available at 10:45.